There's no maybe about it. You should publish these as "optional" rules for your ShadowDark module, even if you abstract the numerical distances.

Go in slow, kite a monster at running speed through the gauntlet of traps, or let the PCs choose trap damage over monster damage during a sprinting retreat 😀

Not to railroad it _will_ happen, but create the possibility that it _could_ happen. Your map should be constructed to maximize the interactions implied by your rules set.

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Thanks I appreciate the input! I agree it gives a push your luck agency to the PC that I really enjoy so I will do it. The results likely to be hilarious or catastrophic or both given the right condition.

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Hello! Great rule here: clean and simple! You got very close to the one I used in my game, here: https://viviiix.substack.com/p/core-rules-chapter-v

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You've got a whole game there! Lovingly laid out and enjoyable read.

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Thanks! That's the free online version of my rules: it's online for those ppl with no deep pockets but curious enough to browse those pages! Enjoy! Thanks again and ciaoo

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